These "General terms of use by the users of the PCTA.PL thematic website" define the rules of free use by users of the site called "PCTA", in which the Association of Polish Corporate Treasurers publishes information on the subject of finance ......... ...............


When used in the "General terms of use of the PCTA theme website by users," the wording means:

PCTA - Association of Polish Corporate Treasurers based in Warsaw, ul. Domaniewska 47/10, entered into the National Court Register under number ............, for which the register files are kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, ........... ............................,, REGON: .................. .................., NIP .............................. ........, being the creator and owner of the rights to the thematic website, authorized to dispose of its resources.
Website - PCTA theme website, dedicated to finance ..........
Website resources - made available as part of the website, on the terms and in the scope specified in these "General terms of use by users of the PCTA theme website", materials including, in particular, information, job offers, articles and contact forms for Website Users. Website resources consist of an information service.
Information Service - service resources that each User can access without having to register.
User - a person using the website's resources to the extent provided in these Regulations.


1. Access to a part of the website's resources referred to as an information service is not dependent on the User fulfilling any formalities, in particular, this access does not require the User to register in the Website system.

2. PCTA recommends using the following browsers to use the Website:
- MS Internet Explorer from 8.0,
- Firefox from 3.0,
- Chrome from 10.0,
- Opera from 10.0.
User's IT systems should have cookies enabled and Javascript enabled.


The Association of Polish Corporate Treasurers provides Users with free access to the resources of the information service for an indefinite period.


1. The User is obliged to use the Website in accordance with the law, the provisions of these "General terms of use by the users of the PCTA theme website" and with good manners.

2. The User is entitled to use the website's resources only for personal personal use. This means in particular that in relation to data and all other materials contained in the resources of the site, both those subject to copyright protection and those that are not subject to such protection, it is not permissible to use these materials for the purpose of Commercial user.


1. PCTA declares that the materials and information constituting the website's resources are collected and edited with due diligence. The information provided does not constitute an offer within the meaning of art. 71 of the Civil Code (DzU of 1964 No. 16, item 93). PCTA also does not bear any responsibility for User's decisions taken on the basis of information obtained as a result of using the website's resources.

2. The User bears full responsibility in relation to third parties both for the content of the information provided by him and for the texts placed on the Website.

3. PCTA is also not responsible for cases of lack of availability of service resources arising in connection with the failure of the telecommunications system and for other effects of malfunctioning telecommunications links and damages caused by them.


1. Personal data of the User are processed in accordance with the Act of 29 August 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 101, item 926, as amended) after expressing his consent by selecting the appropriate window in registration form.

2. The data is processed for contact, marketing and archiving purposes. User's consent to the processing of personal data is provided for purposes related to financial counseling ...........

3. The administrator of the User's personal data is the Association of Polish Corporate Treasurers. with headquarters in Warsaw, ul. Domaniewska 47/10. Providing personal data by the User is voluntary. The User has the right to access their data and correct them.

4. Providing data by the User is voluntary, but failure to do so prevents the implementation of the above services. The user also has the right to access their data and the right to correct them.

5. The User has the right to inspect their data, to supplement, update, rectify, temporarily or permanently suspend their processing or remove them.

6. Making use of the right to supplement, update, rectify, temporarily or permanently suspend data processing and demand removal of data from the Website system, as well as the right to receive information about the purpose, scope and manner of data processing, is carried out by sending a message to address ...................................., together with the User's first and last name.

7. The exercise of the right to demand the removal of data from the Website system is tantamount to deregistration of the User from the Website system.

8. The User, by marking the appropriate window in the registration form, may refuse or give consent to receive commercial information by electronic means, in accordance with the Act of August 26, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 144, item. 1204). In the event that the User has agreed to receive commercial information by electronic means, he has the right to request the data administrator to remove this consent at any time. The use of the right to demand the removal of consent to receive commercial information is carried out by sending an e-mail to the data controller, to the address .......................... ..................., an appropriate request together with the User's first and last name.


1. These Regulations fulfill the role of general terms and conditions of contracts within the meaning of the Civil Code.

2. In the event of a change to the Regulations, its access to Users will be done by placing the Website on the Website.

3. None of the Parties may transfer the rights under the Agreement to a third party without the written consent of the other Party.

4. All comments, comments and questions regarding the operation of the Website can be sent to the address of the PCTA office and to the e-mail address: .......................... ..

5. Complaints about the Website should be reported via email at: ................................... ........

PCTA Website Administration
